Great Tips to Limit Your Impact on the Enviroment as You Move
Every day, more and more people are making the decision to reduce their impact on the environment by moving towards a sustainable lifestyle. But with all of the packing, cleaning, organizing, childcare involved in relocating your household goods to a new home- it can be hard to remember that you need to stay eco friendly during your move!
Thankfully, there are many ways you can reduce your carbon footprint while you’re moving out of one place and into another. For example, hire green moving services that will make sure your move is eco-friendly.
Reduce Your Use of Plastic Bags. This is especially important if you are using a moving company- as they use plastic bags to carry your belongings. If you do not want the movers to put your stuff in plastic bags, make sure that items like dishes and glassware are thoroughly wrapped before placing them into boxes.
Clean Your Dusty Furniture Before Moving It Out of The House: A lot of people don’t realize how dusty their furniture can get over time (especially with pets around). If it is possible, try and clean all pieces of furniture at least one week prior to moving day. This way there will be less dust for the movers/moving truck to transport from one house to another!
If You Are Renting An Apartment or Home That Is Close To Work or School- Avoid Moving On a Weekend: You do not want to have the stress of moving on top of having to drive in bumper to bumper traffic. If at all possible, plan your move for during the weekdays when there is less traffic and demand on parking spaces!
Pack Your Clothing in Bags That Can Be Recycled or Repurposed After Your Move Is Complete: Plastic bags are one of the biggest causes of pollution worldwide (they take about 1000 years for plastic bags to decompose!) To help lower your carbon footprint, try using reusable grocery totes instead. Or if you’re really trying to reduce waste, pack items like clothing into boxes that can be reused after they’ve been emptied out. Also check with local thrift shops to see if they are accepting donations of used clothing- as this will ensure that your clothes are being reused or repurposed!
Keep Your Moving Truck As Full As Possible: This is one of the most important eco friendly tips for moving. The less full a truck is, the more fuel it uses up per mile driven. So pack all items in tightly so you can save on gas money and help lower your carbon footprint during your move!